Welcome to the 3rd
annual Hope for Brady Blog Train!
If you haven't already done so, start at the
beginning at http://4mybabiesscraps.blogspot.com
and follow the train
Hope For Brady began
in 2011 as a multi designer MEGA kit collaboration for which the proceeds were
used to help Brady get therapy equipment to help him learn to speak. That goal
has been accomplished!!
Now it has become an
annual event in which the proceeds are donated to the Hope Scholarship fund for
the Son Rise program. This program has been a miracle for Brady, he has gone
from being non verbal to speaking approximately 20 words in only 3 months,
thanks to this program!!
The Scholarship is given to parents to help with tuition
to the program which teaches the program principals and enables them to help
their kids overcome some of the difficulties they face due to their autism.
The MEGA kit below is for sale at http://www.just4ourbabies.com. Each
year during the annual blog train you can collect extra pieces and goodies to
add to your MEGA kit!! Here's a preview of it.
should have come from Pamkez
Here’s my freebie to
add to your Mega Kit!!
(Click on preview to download)
next stop is Crafty
case you missed someone, here is the entire list for this year’s blog train
(just remember we're not all in the same time zone):