Welcome / Bienvenue

Enjoy! Everything on my blog is free of charge. If one of my links does not work please leave me a message and I will gladly fix it for you.

Amusez-vous! Tout sur mon blogue est gratuit. S'il y a un lien qui ne fonctionne pas, laissez moi un message et je me ferai un plaisir de le corriger pour vous.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Halloween Alpha - Alphabet de l'Halloween

I'm back today!  I'm still around, just busy doing other things, but will still be dropping in once in a while.  Today I have a Halloween Alpha for you.  Hope it will be useful for you!

Just click on the preview to download.


Je suis de retour aujourd'hui!  Je suis encore dans les alentours, simplement occupée avec autres choses, mais je viens faire une visite de temps en temps.  Aujourd'hui j'ai pour vous un alphabet pour l'Halloween.  J'espère qu'il vous sera utile!

Simplement cliquer sur l'aperçu pour le télécharger.

Thanks for visiting!
Merci de votre visite!


  1. As an addicted alphabet collector I was excited when I accidentally found your site with awesome alphas I downloaded and wanted to write soon my comment but became very ill and that took for a quite long time. :(
    This time I can thank you for your great works and generosity.
    I could download most alphas but unfortunately the links to these ones didn't work:
    Animal Print, HFD 30, Purple Cracked Pearl, Raindrop, HFD26, Crafty Scraps-Leaving a Mark-Alpha 4 and Frosty Chubbies.
    You would make me very happy and thankful if you could upload them for me. For example here: https://wetransfer.com/
    My email address is gordana.gtodorov@gmail.com
    Thank you so very much in advance!


  2. I am very happy that you like them. I sent them to you via wetransfer.com. Hope you get them. If not let me know. ENJOY!

  3. I got them, thanks bunches for. They look great!!!
    This was very kind of you and VERY VERY appreciated.
    God bless you!
    With best wishes,
